
April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

In the modern age, where technology intertwines with every aspect of our lives, distractions have become ubiquitous, especially on the roads. April, designated as Distracted Driving Awareness Month, serves as a crucial reminder of the perils of distracted driving and the importance of fostering safer road practices. With lives at stake and the alarming statistics…

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What Types of Legal Claims Can I Bring for an Injury Caused by a Defective Product?

Defective products are products whose manufacturing, design, or failure to warn makes them inherently dangerous. Given the unforeseeably hazardous nature of defective products, thousands of unsuspecting consumers experience traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, burns, and other serious injuries every year. If you were injured by a defective product, you may have a negligence, strict…

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