Will a Pre-Existing Condition Impact My Car Accident Claim?

If another driver’s negligence caused your car accident, you could be entitled to compensation. Unfortunately, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will have a team of claims adjusters and highly skilled lawyers working hard to minimize your payout. The more severe your injuries are, the more effort they will put into reducing or denying your claim….

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Can I File a Medical Malpractice Claim if I Was Misdiagnosed?

There are many different types of medical malpractice, but one of the most unsettling problems involves errors in diagnosis. A delay in a proper diagnosis means the medical condition has time to worsen or even become terminal. A misdiagnosis can also lead to a patient getting unnecessary medical treatments rather than the ones they need….

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Why Did the Insurance Company Deny My Car Accident Claim?

Virginia Beach car accident victims do not seek compensation for their damages directly from the driver responsible for their accident. The first step in pursuing monetary losses is to file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. Although this process sounds straightforward, a lot of injured victims are shocked when their claim is denied….

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Why Are Wrong-Way Driver Accidents Often Catastrophic?

When a driver enters a roadway from the wrong direction, it can easily result in a serious head-on collision, catastrophic injuries, and even death. Wrong-way accidents have some of the most severe consequences since they involve two vehicles traveling at high speeds and making direct contact with one another. A collision caused by a wrong-way…

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What Are My Rights As a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident?

Where car accidents are concerned, a lot of the focus is on drivers who are injured but, it is important to keep in mind passengers can sustain serious injuries just as easily. Data printed by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles underscores this exact point. Fortunately, Virginia law provides injured passengers with legal options that…

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