Negligence vs Negligence Per Se and Your North Carolina Personal Injury Case

While the terms “negligence” and “negligence per se” sound strikingly similar, they are, in fact, two very different legal theories that deal with very different burdens of proof. If you plan on filing a North Carolina personal injury claim, it is important to know what differentiates one from the other.  Which burden of proof applies…

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Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuits: Appeals Courts Kicks Out J&J’s Texas-Two Step Bankruptcy Attempt

Last month, a U.S. appeals court tossed out Johnson & Johnson’s attempt to offload thousands of talcum powder cancer lawsuits into bankruptcy court. The company is named as a defendant in approximately 38,000 personal injury lawsuits. Only a handful of these cases have either gone to trial or resolved in settlements, costing the company more…

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