Increasing Number of States Adopting “Loss of Chance” Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Minnesota’s Supreme Court recently handed down a decision that makes it the twenty-third state to adopt “Loss of Chance” medical malpractice lawsuits.The “Loss of Chance” or “Lost Chance Doctrine” differs from standard medical malpractice lawsuits in that it allows a patient to sue if a doctor’s negligence brought an increased rate of mortality or otherwise-decreased…

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VA Brain Injury Attorneys: Brain “Potholes” Might Be Key To Identifying TBI

Researchers at the University of Iowa discovered abnormalities in the brains of military veterans that might be the key to helping better diagnose and treat cases of mild traumatic brain injury. A recent study found that American troops coming home from combat duty overseas with mild traumatic brain injuries have detectable abnormalities in their brains….

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