Injured While Crossing The Street in Kitty Hawk – What NC Laws And Regulations Will Apply to My Personal Injury Claim?

A pedestrian is usually someone traveling on foot. Pedestrians include anyone running, walking, jogging, or pushing a stroller. In North Carolina, bicyclists have a designated lane. If a bicyclist needs to travel on a sidewalk or cross an intersection due to the absence of a bicycle lane, they are pedestrians in the eyes of the…

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Who is Eligible to Receive Settlement or Jury Award Proceeds in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit File in North Carolina?

The North Carolina intestate succession act determines the asset allocation where a North Carolina citizen dies without leaving behind a valid will. The given law also determines the members who have the right to share the proceeds in case of a wrongful death trial verdict or settlement. The beneficiaries in a wrongful death case remain…

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