Why Are Wrong-Way Driver Accidents Often Catastrophic?

When a driver enters a roadway from the wrong direction, it can easily result in a serious head-on collision, catastrophic injuries, and even death. Wrong-way accidents have some of the most severe consequences since they involve two vehicles traveling at high speeds and making direct contact with one another. A collision caused by a wrong-way…

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What Are My Rights As a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident?

Where car accidents are concerned, a lot of the focus is on drivers who are injured but, it is important to keep in mind passengers can sustain serious injuries just as easily. Data printed by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles underscores this exact point. Fortunately, Virginia law provides injured passengers with legal options that…

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How Common Are Parking Lot Accidents During the Holiday Season?

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Families and friends gather to exchange gifts, share meals, and create cherished memories. However, amidst all the merriment, an often-overlooked aspect can turn this festive season into a nightmare: parking lot accidents.  Every year, holiday shopping and festivities bring about a surge in parking…

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Who is Liable For a Blind Spot Car Accident?

A report published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that blind spot accidents cause more than 18,000 injuries and 300 fatalities on U.S. roadways every year. Blind spot collisions are not specific to standard passenger vehicles as many often involve motorcyclists and commercial truck drivers as well. Liability is almost always assigned to…

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