Blog Archives - Page 174 of 1183 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Defensive Driving May Save Your Life

It is estimated that each driver will be involved in some type of collision every 18 years. While risky driving will increase those numbers, you can help minimize those odds by practicing defensive driving habits. By driving defensively, you will be more likely to recognize potential dangers quickly and also predict how other drivers will…

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Juries Award More Than $100M to Ovarian Cancer Victims Who Used Talcum Powder

Does the use of talcum powder cause ovarian cancer? That is the $65,000 question. Or maybe it should be called the $100 million question. Two juries this year have said awarded a combined total of $127 million ($55 million and $72 million respectively in two separate talc powder ovarian cancer trials) to ovarian cancer victims who linked their cancer to…

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