Allegedly Aggressive Security Contributed to Death of Cape Fear Valley Medical Center Patient

Allegedly overaggressive hospital security at North Carolina’s Cape Fear Valley Medical Center resulted in a patient dying, according to the Fayetteville Observer. In April 2011, AlliedBarton security guards at the NC hospital placed a schizophrenic patient in a choke hold after he was taken by ambulance to the emergency room with signs of paranoia. Then, hospital…

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West Virginia OB/GYN Faces Malpractice Suits From Two Patients at Same Time

Implanting medical devices in patients without first obtaining informed consent to do so has resulted in a Huntington, West Virginia (WV), obstetrician and gynecologist defending himself against two medical malpractice lawsuits at the same time. According to the West Virginia Record, the surgeon, operating at St. Mary’s Medical Center, implanted Avaulta Anterior and Posterior BioSynthetic Support…

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