Are There Damage Limitations in FELA?

We get this question a lot since many railroaders have heard about “damage caps” in medical malpractice cases. Fortunately, FELA (i.e. the Federal Employers Liability Act) does not penalize victims and there is no arbitrary damage cap for your on-the-job railroad injury. This does not mean there aren’t specific requirements you need to follow when…

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Nurse at Chapel Hill Nursing Home Charged With Murder Following Patient’s Morphine Overdose Death

North Carolina (NC) state law enforcement officials on August 9, 2010, handed down nearly three dozen indictments against a former nursing home nurse for charges ranging from patient abuse to second-degree murder. The currently jailed nurse is accused of administering overdoses of morphine and other painkilling opiates to patients at Brithaven of Chapel Hill in…

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