Emotions Can Have Negative Effect on Driving

The dangers of distracted driving are well documented. Texting and other cell phone use, eating, and other activity that take your focus off the road can cause vehicle accidents, many time with serious – sometimes fatal – consequences. But many people don’t realize that emotions can also have an effect on how focused you are…

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Tips to Help Avoid Car Accidents

According to the National Safety Council, there were approximately 40,000 people killed in car crashes last year. This is almost a 15 percent spike in the number of fatal car accidents from 2014, the biggest surge in a two-year period in more than five decades. Although there is no way to completely insulate yourself from…

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Dealing with Aggressive Drivers

According to national statistics, aggressive driving accidents continue to be a dangerous issue on America’s roadways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as incidents that occur when “an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other person or property.” Aggressive Driving Behaviors Unfortunately, many of us…

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