Medical Malpractice & Doctor Mistakes in NC Archives - Page 9 of 20 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Admitting Medical Mistakes Can Improve Patient Safety

Human medical errors hurt about 1.5 million in the United Sstates each year. Mistakes result in 100,000 health care-acquired infections, and these preventable injuries cause between 44,000 and 98,000 fatalities each year, according to Quantros. Limiting serious injuries to patients mean not only preventing medical errors, but also reporting and learning from adverse events when…

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Allegedly Aggressive Security Contributed to Death of Cape Fear Valley Medical Center Patient

Allegedly overaggressive hospital security at North Carolina’s Cape Fear Valley Medical Center resulted in a patient dying, according to the Fayetteville Observer. In April 2011, AlliedBarton security guards at the NC hospital placed a schizophrenic patient in a choke hold after he was taken by ambulance to the emergency room with signs of paranoia. Then, hospital…

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Malpractice Claims Could Arise From the Failure to Share Diagnostic Test Results

Failing to communicate clinical data from diagnostic tests, for instance not letting patients know what numbers mean or taking too much time to share results with patients, places physicians at risk for medical malpractice lawsuits, according to a study findings published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology. According to a SUNY Downstate…

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North Carolina’s New Caps on Medical Malpractice Awards Explained

In North Carolina (NC) victims of medical negligence now face limits on how much they obtain from physicians and other medical providers for damages, as new state laws took effect in October 2011, according to The Associated Press. The so-called “tort reform” resulted from intense lobbying by hospitals, doctors and insurance companies Specifically, North Carolina monies award for…

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