Premises Liability in Virginia: A Summary of the Duties And Responsibilities of the Landowner/Business Owner For Personal Injuries

Every premises liability case is unique, and will involve an evaluation of the legal duty of care that the premises owner owed to the injured person. In Virginia, slip, trip, and fall injuries occur most commonly on residential as well as business premises owned by another party. Public spaces such as broken pavement, defective elevators,…

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Injured at a Neighbor’s House Party From Neglected, Broken Down Stairs – Do I Have a Viable Personal Injury Claim?

Premises liability is the potential legal liability of a property owner or operator for injuries sustained by a visitor due to hazardous conditions on the premises. If you are injured at a party at your neighbor’s home due to hazardous, neglected stairs, you may be entitled to claim damages for your injury.  Types of Premises…

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