What Should I Do if I Think I Have Been the Victim of a Medical Error?

A study conducted in 2017 determined that more than 251,000 deaths every year are the result of medical errors. This means that medical errors are the third leading cause of accidental death in the United States. With this worrying statistic in mind, you need to take immediate action if you suspect that you have been…

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When Are Necrotizing Fasciitis and MRSA Infection Cases Valid Medical Malpractice Claims?

When you go to the hospital, your expectation is to be properly treated for a pre-existing illness, not to develop further complications. In recent years, however, hospital-acquired infections have become an increasing risk to patients’ health. Necrotizing fasciitis and MRSA are some of the most potentially life-threatening infections patients can pick up in hospitals and…

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What Is Medical Gaslighting?

Medical gaslighting is a pervasive and concerning phenomenon that occurs within healthcare settings, where patients’ concerns, symptoms, or experiences are dismissed, invalidated, or downplayed by medical professionals. The term “gaslighting” originated from a play and subsequent films in which a character manipulates another into doubting their own reality. In the medical context, gaslighting takes on…

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