Portsmouth, VA Mother Who Suffered Brain Damage Has Malpractice Award From Maryview Hospital Upheld

The federal appeals court in Norfolk, Virginia (VA), on December 8, 2011, upheld a $900,000 malpractice award a woman from Portsmouth had won from Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center. In the original case, stemming from a botched Caesarean section conducted to deliver the woman’s fourth child in 2005, the woman and her Norfolk attorney, Kim Michelle…

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West Virginia OB/GYN Faces Malpractice Suits From Two Patients at Same Time

Implanting medical devices in patients without first obtaining informed consent to do so has resulted in a Huntington, West Virginia (WV), obstetrician and gynecologist defending himself against two medical malpractice lawsuits at the same time. According to the West Virginia Record, the surgeon, operating at St. Mary’s Medical Center, implanted Avaulta Anterior and Posterior BioSynthetic Support…

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