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When Does the Clock Start Ticking on Filing a Lung Cancer Claim Under FELA?

The Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) is a federal law that allows railroad workers to file claims against their employers for injuries or illnesses resulting from workplace negligence. FELA applies to lung cancer claims if the cancer is linked to the worker’s occupational exposure to hazardous substances such as asbestos, diesel exhaust, silica dust, or…

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How Can Whistleblowers Exposed Railroad Asbestos Dangers?

Whistleblowers play a crucial role in uncovering fraud related to asbestos exposure in the railroad industry. They can expose companies that have knowingly concealed the presence of asbestos or failed to inform workers about the risks. By reporting fraudulent actions, whistleblowers can help hold railroad companies accountable under laws like the False Claims Act, which protects individuals who come forward and ensures that companies are liable for failing to comply with asbestos safety regulations.

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