When Is Mediation Mandatory for Personal Injury Lawsuits in North Carolina?
Personal injury and wrongful death claims for $25,000 or more must go through mediation before a North Carolina Superior Court will hold a civil trial.
Personal injury and wrongful death claims for $25,000 or more must go through mediation before a North Carolina Superior Court will hold a civil trial.
The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles recorded 4,759 crashes involving tractor-trailers and semi-trucks in the state during 2019. More than 1,100 of those collisions inflicted injuries, and 66 left at least one person dead. Deadly and injury-causing crashes also involved box trucks, construction vehicles, firetrucks, ambulances and farm equipment. It is easy to assume…
Mediation allows injured individuals or the families of wrongful death victims and insurance companies to bridge the gap between failed settlement negotiations and a jury trial no one wants.
Nearly 100,000 people die every year due to preventable medical mistakes. This is an unacceptable number and something needs to be done to change it. This article puts a spotlight on the human effects of medical malpractice and why reform is necessary.
At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, our medical malpractice attorneys hold doctors and surgeons accountable for errors that cause colon and bowel perforations and leaks.