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Injured On an Electric Scooter: What Are My Options?

Electric scooters have surged in popularity over the past decade or so. They offer a convenient, eco-friendly way to get around town. Tourists, commuters, and casual riders use them to easily navigate congested city streets, many preferring an electric scooter to cars and bicycles because they offer a fun, compact alternative. Unfortunately, electric scooters—or e-scooters…

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Your Guide to North Carolina Personal Injury Law

Attorney Rick Shapiro put together an in-depth summary of North Carolina’s personal injury and wrongful death laws. This guide is intended to assist prospective clients and attorneys unfamiliar with North Carolina tort law by answering important legal questions. Read the In-Depth North Carolina Personal Injury Law Guide Here The guide answers questions like: What is…

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Your Guide to Virginia Personal Injury Law

Attorney Rick Shapiro has put together a comprehensive summary of Virginia tort law. He put this summary together as part of a major seminar for the Virginia State Bar, where Rick presented to fellow Virginia attorneys about personal injury law. Read the Summary Here The summary of Virginia tort/personal injury law answers important questions like:…

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