
Suspected Drunk Driver Injures Concertgoer in Portsmouth, VA

A woman attending an alternative music festival at nTelos Pavilion in Portsmouth, Virginia (VA), sustained serious injuries after being hit by a car whose driver was arrested under suspicion of being drunk. The accident occurred shortly after 10 pm during the 2014 96XFest.   <!–{cke_protected}{C}%3C!%2D%2D%7Bcke_protected%7D%7BC%7D%253C!%252D%252D%257Bcke_protected%257D%257BC%257D%25253C!%25252D%25252Dcke_bookmark_102E%25252D%25252D%25253E%252D%252D%253E%2D%2D%3E–>   According to reports, the at-fault driver crashed through a…

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Virginia Trucking Association Announces Safety Awards

 The Virginia Trucking Association last month presented its Safety Awards for 2014 during the annual VTA Safety Management Conference, which was held in Wintergreen VA. Intertrans Carrier Company, Gordonsville VA, was given the Grand Trophy for Fleet Safety in the state. This award is given to the firm that is judged to have the state’s…

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