Virginia Beach & Norfolk Electric Shock Lawyers

If you’re on this page, it probably means that you or a loved one suffered a serious electric shock injury, or there was a loss of life due to electrocution. We are here to help. We understand that, when a victim has been electrocuted, the side effects can include cardiovascular problems, permanent nerve damage, paralysis, and brain damage. And that is only if the victim is lucky enough to survive. Unfortunately, many victims who get electrocuted do not survive and their loved ones are left to pick up the pieces and figure out what could have been done, if anything, to prevent the electrocution wrongful death. Our Virginia Beach wrongful death lawyers can help.

Causes of an Electric Shock Injury or Wrongful Death by Electrocution

  • Accidental contact with exposed parts of electrical appliances or wiring
  • Flashing of electric arcs from high-voltage power lines
  • Touching occupation-related machinery that became electrified
  • Defective electrical wiring in a product
  • Coming in contact with an overhead power line
  • Industrial and factory electric shock

Experience Matters in Choosing a Law Firm to Handle Your Electric Shock Injury Claim

Electric shock injuries can be extremely complicated since they potentially involve state and federal regulations, OSHA regulations, etc. Our Virginia Beach personal injury lawyers firm have handled electric shock injury cases and understands the damage that can be inflicted on the human body from being electrocuted.

For example, our personal injury law firm represented a pilot who suffered a career-ending electric shock injury. He was taking a shower in a hotel room, washing his hair with his hands directly above his head, when he received a serious electrical shock that, essentially, froze him in the shower. With his hands still frozen above his head, he lost consciousness and fell out of the shower, suffering contusions.

The injuries, as stated above, were extensive and forced him to retire from his career as a pilot. Our team of personal injury attorneys understood the severity of this incident and were able to secure a $1.5 million settlement for our client.

In another electric shock injury case our firm handled, our client was a Coast Guard security officer who suffered major shock injuries to both shoulders requiring eight hours of orthopedic surgery. Due to the orthopedic and neurological injuries from the electrical shock, our client could not lift either arm without assistance for quite some time. After months of physical therapy, he was finally able to get motion restored so each arm could be level with his shoulders.

He suffered from continuing anxiety and PTSD.  Months later he underwent a second surgery on one shoulder as well.  The medical bills totaled $110,000.00, and the Coast Guard officer was earning about $47,000.00 a year his medical disqualification from the service was a certainty so he would suffer huge lost wages in the future. Again, we understood just how awful this incident was and were able to secure a $525,000 settlement for our client.

If you file an electric shock injury claim or electrocution wrongful death claim, here are the types of monetary damages that can be pursued

  • Medical bills (possibly including rehabilitation costs).
  • Lost wages if you’re forced to change your job or are permanently disabled and cannot return to your chosen profession.
  • Pain and suffering routinely occur when someone suffers a drastic decrease in their quality of life after a sudden, unexpected accident.
  • Emotional strain associated with the injury

Related Info: check out these informational articles and videos on electric shock and electrocution injuries:

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