2009 - Page 120 of 170 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Verdict of 12 Million Dollars For Brain Damaged Woman Whose Intestine Was Cut By Gastroenterologist During Colonoscopy

Perforated/Cut Intestine Leads To Brain Damage Following Colonoscopy Complication A Tennessee jury found in favor of a woman who was left with brain damage after a routine colonoscopy, with a $12,000,000.00 verdict.  Kristen Freeman was only 30 years old when she had bowel troubles and was ordered to undergo a colonoscopy.  Due to complications that arose…

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Michael Jackson’s Physician’s Potential Liability for Prescribing Controlled Substances per the California State Board of Medicine

Michael Jackson’s name is filling the headlines every day as people are not only mourning the great performer, but are interested in the cause of his death.  One of the things police are clearly investigating is whether there was any wrongdoing by one of his personal physicians.  Since Michael Jackson was in California, the issue…

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