2009 - Page 146 of 170 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Railroad/FELA Injury Lawyers Use Safety Regulations Against Railroads, Including radio/dispatching regulations-This helps prove responsibility on railoads

My partner, Rick Shapiro, one of our railroad/FELA injury law attorneys, wrote an article about how we investigate and use railroad violation of safety regulations in FELA worker injury or death cases.Proving a railroad violated a regulation makes the case proof better and easier, and normally eliminates any rail employer argument that the worker violated…

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Locomotive Inspection Act Regulation Violations Involving Diesel Fumes or Toxic Exhaust Fumes, Including Asbestos Insulation

My partner, Rick Shapiro, just settled a FELA case involving a conductor who contracted diesel fume asthma, his doctor believed was caused mainly by years of  railroad engine diesel fumes at work.  A series of railroad regulations enacted under the Locomotive Inspection Act require that railroads provide locomotives that are safe in general, or that…

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