2010 - Page 129 of 164 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Malpractice Reform Would Save Little Money, Harm Patients Already Injured

Federal and state lawmakers continue to call for “tort reform” as a way to reduce overall health care costs. The politicians argue that making it harder for patients to sue health care providers who commit errors and capping awards to successful plaintiffs would save money. They are doing this despite growing evidence that malpractice verdict…

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Deadly Welding Accidents Can Be Prevented, Feds Say

Routinely testing areas for the presence of flammable gases, equipping workers with cheap and easy-to-use air monitors, thoroughly training workers on safe practices and providing qualified supervision can prevent explosions and fires caused by welding flames and grinding sparks. These are the basic conclusions the federal U.S. Chemical Safety Board reached after it investigated an…

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