2010 - Page 80 of 164 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Young Drivers Increase Risk of Wrecks on the Road During Summer Months

During the summer, more young drivers can be found behind the wheel of the family car or their own car, or riding a motorcycle and unfortunately car accidents can happen. If your young driver has been involved in a car accident anywhere in North Carolina, and you are looking for an attorney, please contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharpfor a free, confidential consultation. Our number is (833) 997-1774.

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Railroad Wokers Who Text Are Puting Themselves and Others At Risk

The tragic accident involving the Metrolink train and a car that resulted from the railroad worker sending text messages has raised concerns about both railroad workers and drivers texting while driving. What happens, though, when the railroad workers weren’t the ones texting at the time of an accident, but the driver was? If this has happened to you, please contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp& Duffan for a free, confidential consultation. Our number is (833) 997-1774.

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Company Offers Training Video to Teach Transit Employees the Dangers of Distracted Driving

Bus drivers have a responsibility to get their passengers to and from their destinations safely. But with the advent of cell phones, Blackberry’s and other gizmos, some bus drivers have become distracted while operating their mass transit vehicle. This distraction puts passenger’s lives in danger and increases the likelihood of a major bus crash. In…

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