2011 - Page 43 of 319 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

West Virginia OB/GYN Faces Malpractice Suits From Two Patients at Same Time

Implanting medical devices in patients without first obtaining informed consent to do so has resulted in a Huntington, West Virginia (WV), obstetrician and gynecologist defending himself against two medical malpractice lawsuits at the same time. According to the West Virginia Record, the surgeon, operating at St. Mary’s Medical Center, implanted Avaulta Anterior and Posterior BioSynthetic Support…

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Chesapeake, VA Personal Injury Attorney Reports: Three-Quarters of Physicians Sued for Malpractice at Least Once

An analysis of professional insurance records has revealed that three-quarters of all doctors in the United States are sued at least one time for malpractice during their careers. At the same time, just 1.6 percent of the lawsuits resulted in payments to injured patients or surviving family members of people who lost their lives because a doctor…

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