2013 - Page 109 of 146 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

New Study Finds Digital Billboards Another Distraction to Drivers

What happened: A new study has concluded that digital billboards often take a driver’s eyes off the road for more than two seconds, which could contribute to accidents. The Swedish study was recently published in the journal Traffic Injury Prevention. Researchers say the billboards are brighter, are visible from further away, and show changing advertisements,…

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One in Five Nursing Home Patients Are Given Antipsychotic Medications

At least one in five nursing home patients are being given antipsychotic medications new research has shown. Patients with dementia are frequently being dosed with medications developed to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. To learn more, read here. . . New Research Reveals 1 in 5 Nursing Home Patients Given Off-Label Antipsychotic Medications

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