Blog Archives - Page 229 of 1183 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Spine Injury Settlement May Lead to Systemic Health Care Improvements

One man’s $20 million medical malpractice settlement with a Washington State health system may yield systemwide improvements that save millions from misdiagnoses, mistreatments and doctors’ errors. As a Virginia personal injury lawyer who has helped many patients harmed by preventable mistakes, this news encourages me greatly because it represents a willingness by a major hospital…

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Talc Cancer Lawyers – Call (833) 997-1774 For a Free Case Review

In a prime example of how innocuous, apparently safe products can turn out to be deadly, studies have revealed that talcum powder is a cancer-causing carcinogen. Yes, you read that right – talc powder can cause cancer. Specifically, women are at risk of developing ovarian cancer after consistent use of talc powder around the genital region. Talc powder manufacturers like Johnson…

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