Blog Archives - Page 255 of 1183 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Railroad worker cancers/asbestos and mesothelioma in North Carolina

Invisible to the Eye George R.R. Martin once said, “The unseen enemy is always the most fearsome.” This is the case for railroad workers that fall victim to mesothelioma cancer caused by asbestos. The serious health risks associated with inhaling asbestos fibers have been documented in medical and scientific publications. Railroad workers who breathe in…

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Workplace Injuries: When to File a Claim with the VA Worker’s Comp. Commission and When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer

Like the lyrics, “Workin’ for The Man ev’ry night and day …” from the song “Proud Mary.”  Many American workers put in long hours and hard work in an effort to provide for their family.  But what happens when a workplace is not safe?  Recently a large manufacturing plant was fined for 25 safety violations…

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