Bus Accident Injuries in VA Archives - Page 37 of 50 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Company Offers Training Video to Teach Transit Employees the Dangers of Distracted Driving

Bus drivers have a responsibility to get their passengers to and from their destinations safely. But with the advent of cell phones, Blackberry’s and other gizmos, some bus drivers have become distracted while operating their mass transit vehicle. This distraction puts passenger’s lives in danger and increases the likelihood of a major bus crash. In…

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New Rules Could Permanently Restrict Railroad Employees Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

The Metrolink rail accident in 2008, which resulted in serious injuries and 25 deaths, led U. S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to consider having the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) propose rules and regulations on railroad employees using Personal Electronic Devices (PEDS), while on duty. There is already a temporary restriction for cell phone use in…

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