Virginia Personal Injury Archives - Page 592 of 730 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Railroad Wokers Who Text Are Puting Themselves and Others At Risk

The tragic accident involving the Metrolink train and a car that resulted from the railroad worker sending text messages has raised concerns about both railroad workers and drivers texting while driving. What happens, though, when the railroad workers weren’t the ones texting at the time of an accident, but the driver was? If this has happened to you, please contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp& Duffan for a free, confidential consultation. Our number is (833) 997-1774.

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New Rules Could Permanently Restrict Railroad Employees Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

The Metrolink rail accident in 2008, which resulted in serious injuries and 25 deaths, led U. S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to consider having the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) propose rules and regulations on railroad employees using Personal Electronic Devices (PEDS), while on duty. There is already a temporary restriction for cell phone use in…

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Railroad Workers and Texting

In the aftermath of the railroad accident involving a Metrolink railroad worker was texting at the time the accident occurred, there has been a push for cell phone use, especially texting, to be restricted or even banned all together while operating a train. This push isn’t new. Many states have passed laws imposing fines for…

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