Virginia Personal Injury Archives - Page 637 of 730 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Fatal North Carolina (NC) Fourth of July Fireworks Blast Results in Multiple Fines

Nearly six months after a truckload of professional-grade fireworks exploded in a Ocracoke teachers’ education center parking lot, the company responsible for ensuring the safety of the deadly explosives has been fined by the North Carolina (NC) Department of Labor. In reporting the nearly $45,000 penalty for Melrose South Pyrotechnics of Catawba, South Carolina (SC),…

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Sport Fishermen’s Deaths on Chesapeake Bay Latest in Deadly Year on Virginia (VA) Waters

By mid-September, Virginia (VA) Game and Inland Fisheries officials already knew that 2009 was an uncommonly dangerous year for boaters and users of personal watercraft such as Jet Skis. The agency released statistics showing that 124 people had died, disappeared or been hospitalized because of accidents involving boats and watercraft. Since then, several more people…

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