Frequently Asked Questions
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Is there any cost associated with your law firm analyzing my potential railroad injury case involving cancer or mesothelioma?

No. Our firm offers free initial consultations. If you decide to hire us, we only charge a contingent fee, meaning that we only charge a legal fee if there is a successful verdict in your case.  As with most all law firms, we also advance case costs and court expenses on behalf of a client and do not ask the client to advance those sums-they are repaid at time of settlement.

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Is there any cost for your firm to analyze my potential railroad injury case involving cancer or mesothelioma?

Our firm does not charge any fees for consultations, and our firm, when retained, charges a contingent fee, meaning that we only charge a legal fee if we recover on your case.  As with most all law firms, we also advance case costs and court expenses on behalf of a client and do not ask the client to advance those sums-they are repaid at time of settlement.About the editors: The motto at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp& Duffan law firm is simple -“All we do is injury law.” We hope you were able to find the answer to your injury query. If not, please review our Virginia Accident Lawyer FAQ Library for additional information. If you’d like to speak to an actual attorney about your potential injury claim for free, please contact our office at (833) 997-1774.

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Is there a way to check out my doctor or surgeon before choosing one?

While you can never find out every little thing about your doctor, there are a few things you can do to make an informed decision. First, ask questions: – Where did you go to medical school? – What American Board of Medical Specialty Certifications do you have? – How long have you been practicing? – Are there any disciplinary actions outstanding against you? All of these are perfectly legitimate to ask. But, if you don’t want to talk to your doctor about this, you can get all this information from for $15. Shopping around for a good physician is one of the best medical decisions you can make.  For other information about medical negligence/case results of our firm, surf around this website.  Call us for a free consultation.
About the editors: The motto at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp& Duffan law firm is simple -“All we do is injury law.” We hope you were able to find the answer to your injury query. If not, please review our Virginia Accident Lawyer FAQ Library for additional information. If you’d like to speak to an actual attorney about your potential injury claim for free, please contact our office at (833) 997-1774.

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