Frequently Asked Questions
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I was injured in an area of Virginia not near your office, does it matter?

Absolutely not. Our Virginia injury lawyers practice all over the Commonwealth.  We frequently handle cases in the Northern Virginia region in cities such as Arlington, Alexandria and Fairfax. We’ve also handled cases in Richmond.  Sometimes it is better to have an attorney who is not from the area where the injury occurred.  Specifically, in a medical malpractice context, there are often conflicts of interest for lawyers who practice in the area where the doctor does.  As long as your attorney is licensed in Virginia and has extensive experience in the personal injury arena, you will be well taken care of. 

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Do I have a case if I was injured using a product I purchased and had to see a doctor stemming from the injury?

It depends on the circumstances in which your injury occurred and if a connection can be established between the product and your injury. Product defect cases are usually based on “strict liability” rather than negligence. “Strict liability” means it is not necessary to determine fault on the part of the defendant, but your attorney must be able to prove the product was unreasonably dangerous or defective, you were injured from use of the defective product, and the injury was caused by the defect in the product.
One exception is if your circumstances are very similar to the circumstances in which other people are injured by the same product. This would allow you to file a “Class Action” lawsuit in which a lawyer could represent you and all other people who suffered injuries from a single defective product. For example, there are numerous lawsuits filed in connection with toxic Chinese drywall found throughout Carolina.
About the editors: The motto at Shapiro, Lewis, & Appleton law firm is simple -“All we do is injury law.” We hope you were able to find the answer to your injury query. If not, please review our North and South Carolina Accident Attorney FAQ library for additional information. If you’d like to speak to an actual attorney about your potential injury claim for free, please contact our office at (833) 997-1774.

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I was just diagnosed with cancer or mesothelioma. No one ever told me before that it was connected to railroad work I did many years earlier. Can I still bring a railroad injury or disease claim?

As explained in one of the other FAQ’s, the three-year limitation period does not begin until the worker knew or should have known of a connection between the cancer or disease and their railroad occupation.  If no medical professional or other person ever provided a clue to the worker that they had a claim, more than three years before now, three-year limitation period should not have expired but you need a railroad injury attorney’s advice for a more precise answer.About the editors: The motto at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp& Duffan law firm is simple -“All we do is injury law.” We hope you were able to find the answer to your injury query. If not, please review our Virginia Accident Lawyer FAQ Library for additional information. If you’d like to speak to an actual attorney about your potential injury claim for free, please contact our office at (833) 997-1774.

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