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What are interrogatories and how can they be used against me?

Interrogatories are questions, plain and simple. Why do attorneys call these questions interrogatories anyway? Leave it to lawyers to have a six syllable word titled “interrogatories” instead of just calling them “questions.” In any case, a set of interrogatories includes a series of questions where one party in a civil lawsuit can require that another party answer the questions under oath. This means you need to answer honestly and fully. If you withold information in a set of interrogatories, the opposing attorneys will use it at trial to try and discredit your claim.
About the editors: The motto at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp& Duffan law firm is simple -“All we do is injury law.” We hope you were able to find the answer to your injury query. If not, please review our Virginia Accident Lawyer FAQ Library for additional information. If you’d like to speak to an actual attorney about your potential injury claim for free, please contact our office at (833) 997-1774.

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