Frequently Asked Questions
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What exactly is a wrongful death claim?

A wrongful death claim can be filed when the victim was killed as a result of negligence, or another type of unjust action by an individual or entity being sued, and the victim’s survivors are entitled to damages as a result of the improper conduct/negligence. Basically, a wrongful death claim is just a negligence lawsuit in which an individual died as the result from an injury.

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What. exactly, is the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA)?

FELA is the acronym of the Federal Employers Liability Act. It is a federal law that protects and applies to railroad workers hurt on the job and working in interstate commerce. It is the exclusive remedy for railroad workers who are injured on the job as far as claims against their own railroad employer.  The FELA covers accidents, diseases, and illnesses arising from the railroad workplace, or occurring at places or at times that are part of the worker’s job.

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