Shoulder Injuries in North Carolina Accidents
Shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries suffered in accidents. Call a North Carolina accident attorney for details and assitance.
Shoulder injuries are one of the most common injuries suffered in accidents. Call a North Carolina accident attorney for details and assitance.
Five children killed in one week in several states has again raised the issue of school bus stop dangers. Contact a Virginia accident attorney for details.
As VA car accident injury attorneys we know that a one-car flip over accident could have been no more than a scary moment for three West Branch teens. However, since two of the three teenagers were not wearing their seat belts, the crash ended in tragedy with two young lives lost.
Concussions can develop after any impact to the head, whenever the head snaps back and forth suddenly, and when a person’s body stops suddenly, as when falling to the ground.
Drivers hit, hurt and kill pedestrians and bike riders because people behind the wheels of cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles fail to follow the applicable rules for yielding right of way.