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Proving Liability in a Virginia Personal Injury Claim

When it comes to proving liability in a personal injury lawsuit, the strongest evidence a Virginia personal injury attorney can have is direct evidence. For example, video from a red-light camera that shows the at-fault driver running a red-light moments before smashing into the victim’s vehicle could be considered direct evidence. Unfortunately, there are plenty…

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It’s Not Just Cell Phones Distracting Drivers

Federal, state, and local governments, along with countless safety advocate organizations have banged the drum loudly to try to get the message out to drivers of how dangerous distracted driving is and how much it increases the risk of vehicle accidents. Millions of dollars have been spent on national campaigns by federal and state agencies,…

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Owner Liability in Virginia Dog Bite Cases

To bite means to cut, tear, wound, or rip with teeth. Another definition is to grip or hold with teeth, not causing a wound. Therefore, does a dog cross the line by “mouthing” a hand, such as in teething, without puncturing skin? Additionally, is a bite considered provoked and how does that affect a personal injury…

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Virginia Bike Accident Risks

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bicycle travel represents only one percent of all trips in the United States, yet bicyclists face a higher risk for injury or death than any other kind of motorist. When it comes to comparing biking with other modes of travel, the statistics surrounding bike accidents…

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