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Are Railroad Workers Contracting A Variety of Cancers From Past Exposure to Radioactive Cargo on Railroads?

My railroad injury attorney-partner, Richard N. Shapiro, posted a library article covering railroad workers developing cancers (lung, brain, colon, blood and others) after prolonged workplace exposures to radioactive/radiation substances (uranium or plutonium contaminated scrap metal and wastes).  He relates the curernt results of various subpoenas and Freedom of Information Act requests.This is a real eye…

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OTC Weight-Loss Drug Alli May Put Users at Risk for Liver Damage

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Monday that it “is reviewing adverse event reports of liver injury in patients taking the weight loss drug orlistat, marketed as the prescription drug Xenical and the over-the-counter medication Alli.” Thus, the poor safety record of weight-loss drugs seems unblemished. Or, more accurately, as filled with blemishes as…

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