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Virginia Personal Injury Law: Can You Recover All Your Medical Expenses Even If Your Health Insurance Pays Most of The Medical Bills?

One of the questions that people often ask regarding personal injury lawsuits is whether they can recover medical expenses from the defendant (the person who caused the accident) even if their health insurance company pays their medical bills. The short answer to the question is – yes, you can. Recovering Medical Expenses in Virginia –…

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Injured at a Neighbor’s House Party From Neglected, Broken Down Stairs – Do I Have a Viable Personal Injury Claim?

Premises liability is the potential legal liability of a property owner or operator for injuries sustained by a visitor due to hazardous conditions on the premises. If you are injured at a party at your neighbor’s home due to hazardous, neglected stairs, you may be entitled to claim damages for your injury.  Types of Premises…

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