“I was in an accident caused by a drunk driver. The driver struck us. I ended up having five fractured ribs, fractured vertebrae, a hip fracture in three places, and a concussion, and I was flown to Norfolk General and the Nightingale. Our case couldn’t be settled quickly.

Rick subpoenaed records to get the blood alcohol content of the drunk driver in additional information regarding him, medical records, etc., and everything he could dig up on the internet about this person that related to our case. Once the medical records were obtained, which was a lengthy process, it showed that the blood alcohol content was 0.20, almost three times the legal limit, and that was approximately two to three hours after the accident.

Rick and his firm secured a toxicologist to write a report to demonstrate just how drunk the drunk driver was and how he would have been impacted by that amount of alcohol. Rick and his firm found additional information about the drunk driver via the internet and other sources on the drunk driver’s Facebook page, various quotes, etc., information regarding binge drinking, and other activities of that nature that had occurred and evidently were possibly part of a routine for the drunk driver.

During a deposition, Rick had taken this information and confronted the drunk driver about it, which he had to admit to. We did go to a lengthy mediation. We were not able to make much progress at that meeting. However, between the mediation and fairly close to when the trial date was to have taken place, Rick was able to get the case settled without going to court. As there were some details not ironed out during the settlement process, Rick was able to intervene and resolve those issues with the hospital and Medicare on my behalf. I would recommend Rick and his firm to someone that was in an accident of this type and would suggest that you call them if you need one.”

Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp is a personal injury law firm dedicated to serving the communities of Virginia and North Carolina. As a firm, we are passionate about helping injured clients recover maximum compensation and are committed to excellence, diversity, inclusion, and equal rights for all. Whether you need an attorney after a car accident, a medical malpractice case, or wrongful death, we can help. Call Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp today at 833-997-1774 for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore your legal options.